The big advantage you have studying at Newgate University Minna is having someone to go through your worst moments with.

As the state of the nation plunges, most people tend to face all kinds of frustrations, many plunging into unavoidable hurts and depressions.

As students, it could be worse- having to battle with the existing frustrations to dealing with pressures coupled with the need to make good grades and graduate in colours.

These unwholesome circumstances could lead to depression, or even worse, acute depression.

But that’s where the advantage of studying at Newgate University Minna comes in: having great ears to listen to your plight, a heart to feel what you feel, and the right skills, wisdom and experience to help you deal with all the negatives.

On our E² Podcast, we dedicate a special episode to the NUM Counsellor, Hadiza Abdulganiyu Audu, who through her wealth of experience, knowledge and wisdom shares on beautiful themes prompted by the social needs of students, the university community and trends.

This is your own podcast, listen to it, enjoy it, this is E² Podcast.

Click here to listen to your favorite episodes.

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